Living Small for Christmas

The holidays for us were very understated this last year, with us opting out of expensive, obligatory gifts that our friends and family would probably return, never use or regift anyway. We decided to focus on kids only, which was a great way to refocus the attention away from a “checklist” of Christmas, and more on seeing the excitement of the holidays through a kiddo’s eyes.

C was super excited about the Christmas tree this year, and picked out a great one (named Stuart, after the Minion, of course). The few toys he received he really wanted and played with all Christmas day and over the holiday break. It was great to not have kids hit the Christmas gift-opening fatigue that happens when you rip through too many gifts and don’t really remember what you got. A of course is too little to know what’s going on, she just wanted to roll under the tree and pull the branches into her mouth.

It was really nice to not be in holiday mall hell, shopping up a storm with 3MM other people, just basically throwing credit cards around to “get it done”.

Now that we’re in the New Year, it’s a great philosophy for upcoming events. C’s birthday was yesterday, and we got him one big toy he really wanted, plus a party this weekend. I don’t know, if I was four, I’d be pretty happy with that!

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